Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Thank you potluck
Jodi Mews (my Sponsor) and I are hosting a potluck as a Thank You to all our Distributors and Customers at Aardwolf Alpacas in Canon City, CO next Sunday, July 24, 2011 at 2pm and on through the afternoon. If you can make it in the area we'd love to have you join us. (Sorry we will miss all of you who can't). Feel free to bring guests that need to hear about SOC.. Get directions at http://www.aardwolfalpacas.com/contact.html. Call for details 719-371-7125 (Phyllis) or 719-429-5661 (Jodi).
Monday, June 13, 2011
Find a Campaign for Every Occasion! (And some great ideas too)
In case you were unaware of it, Kathy Paauw's site is chalk full of information for Send Out Cards Distributor and Cusomers. It's at :
http://www.eaglestraining.info/redirection/ (password eaglestraining)
Number 8 on that page contains the list of campaign sites that you can look through and share with yourself - (Someone asked me for this) I quote below:
Use Campaigns! There are several "dummy gift accounts" you can check out that will enable you to send campaigns (created by me and others) to your own account. PLEASE do not make any changes to these campaigns until AFTER you share them to your own account. Here is how it works:
- Go to www.SendOutCards.com and log into one of these accounts, using the user name and password provided:
- User name: oprius1 / Password: 12345 (from Kathy Paauw)
- User name: allcampaigns / Password: 12345 (from DeMarr Zimmerman)
- User name: cardshare / Password: cards (from DeMarr Zimmerman)
- User name: churchcards / Password: churchcards (from David Frey)
- User name: samplevideocards / Password: samplevideocards
- User name: recards / Password: 4you (Real Estate Cards)
- User name: may23 / Password: may23 (cards announcing new ways to get started)
- Click on Campaigns. You will see all the campaigns associated with that account listed there. You can view them and decide which one(s) you want to share to your own account. DO NOT edit or delete anything in this account. This represents hundreds of hours of work and they are not yours to edit until you copy them to your own account.
- Click the SHARE button and enter your own user ID in the box, then submit it.
- Log out of the dummy gift account and log into your own account. Click on Campaigns. In the lower left corner you will see a yellow box with the campaign(s) you have shared. You must accept them before they will show up in your alphabetical list of campaigns. NOW you can edit it as much as you wish.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Jordan's Rolodex award and other SOC Motivational Contests
Jordan awards a "Rolodex Award" for anyone that completes 100 GAW's. Last year I had a goal to earn my Rolodex award before convention (I must admit I was mistaken but thought Jordan might recognize Rolodex award winners at convention). At one week to go I was still 10 away, with no one scheduled and never had I done a week with 10 GAW's before. We had an open house event at our ranch that coincided with National Alpaca Open Ranch Days on Saturday and Sunday before heading out to Salt Lake on Monday for Convention which started Thursday. I set up a SOC booth at the open ranch days and was highly motivated to show people send out cards and fill my calendar for Monday-Wednesday on the road and on the phone doing GAW's, and Wednesday evening I finish the last one.
Similarly, when we promoted to manager I had a deadline due to our first distributor's anniversary in case she didn't renew, and when I promoted to Senior Manager I was one day late to walk across the stage at the Phoenix Treat-em right. And this week when I signed up a distributor and realized that the Freedom 100 Pin was within my reach I spent Monday making calls and found my 4 retail customers, and a spare just to make sure! I would not have said that I pay to much attention to the contests at SOC... I barely know what an Eagle's point is. But looking back I realize how much motivation I have received from these mini-contests. I think distributors should use the Rolodex award for what it is intended, a motivational milestone to start you on the path to success. You already want to do 100 GAW, because you want to start down the road of financial freedom. It's nice to be recognized for doing it and great that Jordan gives you a pat on the back along with the self satisfaction for having completed a goal.
Similarly, when we promoted to manager I had a deadline due to our first distributor's anniversary in case she didn't renew, and when I promoted to Senior Manager I was one day late to walk across the stage at the Phoenix Treat-em right. And this week when I signed up a distributor and realized that the Freedom 100 Pin was within my reach I spent Monday making calls and found my 4 retail customers, and a spare just to make sure! I would not have said that I pay to much attention to the contests at SOC... I barely know what an Eagle's point is. But looking back I realize how much motivation I have received from these mini-contests. I think distributors should use the Rolodex award for what it is intended, a motivational milestone to start you on the path to success. You already want to do 100 GAW, because you want to start down the road of financial freedom. It's nice to be recognized for doing it and great that Jordan gives you a pat on the back along with the self satisfaction for having completed a goal.
Monday, February 7, 2011
A Solution to track your contacts.
Mid December I believe it was, (Yes it was the night of the Colorado SOC Christmas party) I finished up the my Filemaker Daily 8 tracker software and posted it to the blog page. Those extremely observant of you may have noticed and downloaded it. At that time all I asked for was comments back. Now after getting some feed back and making the noted adjustments, I have released a second beta version and am ready to announce the availability of this great tool.
I conceived of this about 2 months into my SOC career. What I found was that I would tell three people, and then wait for their answer, because I could not keep up with all the people I had told, and then I would never follow up with them, etc, etc. I needed a contact tracker, that could also keep track of my daily 8 points (if you are unfamiliar with the Daily 8 look it up at www.thedaily8.com... (http://www.thedaily8.com/) Most brilliant training and Success plan out there!). So I created a database in Access.
Once finished I decided it was a HUGE help to my business and allowed me to let people sign up in their own time, rather than pressuring them for an answer just so I would not forget to follow up! I wanted to share with others. Trouble is.. Access is not a software that in conducive to sharing applications, except with other people who have Access. I have run into this before with other projects. I decided it was high time to learn Filemaker.
Filemaker allows you to create stand alone applications that do not require the hosting computer to have Filemaker. So being the second time I created this tool (and incidentally the second project I completed with this software, since I also create the solution for http:\\www.mylifesinfo.com on Filemaker) I was able to improve it, and make it user friendly.
Finally after a few beta testers gave me back their responses, I was able to incorporate some suggestions, and have the version available on this blog today. The system will be provided gratis to my downline, but will also be available for $30 to any other SOC distributor.
Please download it and try it out. Your first 10 contacts may be added to the trial version, and if you like it, purchase the license, and open up the world of possibilities. Click on the "Daily 8 Tracker" tab at the top of this page to find it.
This product is not (yet) endorsed by Send Out Cards, nor is it meant to compete with the Contact Manager in Send Out Cards, nor the Daily 8 Planner sold by Send Out Cards, nor the index card system promoted by Jordan Adler. Instead this system fills a need not currently available by Send Out Cards, and not specifically addressed by Oprius or other broader scope tools. Please try it, provide feedback. Be a part of helping me develop this into a mainstream tool to be used by all SOC distributors.
I conceived of this about 2 months into my SOC career. What I found was that I would tell three people, and then wait for their answer, because I could not keep up with all the people I had told, and then I would never follow up with them, etc, etc. I needed a contact tracker, that could also keep track of my daily 8 points (if you are unfamiliar with the Daily 8 look it up at www.thedaily8.com... (http://www.thedaily8.com/) Most brilliant training and Success plan out there!). So I created a database in Access.
Once finished I decided it was a HUGE help to my business and allowed me to let people sign up in their own time, rather than pressuring them for an answer just so I would not forget to follow up! I wanted to share with others. Trouble is.. Access is not a software that in conducive to sharing applications, except with other people who have Access. I have run into this before with other projects. I decided it was high time to learn Filemaker.
Filemaker allows you to create stand alone applications that do not require the hosting computer to have Filemaker. So being the second time I created this tool (and incidentally the second project I completed with this software, since I also create the solution for http:\\www.mylifesinfo.com on Filemaker) I was able to improve it, and make it user friendly.
Finally after a few beta testers gave me back their responses, I was able to incorporate some suggestions, and have the version available on this blog today. The system will be provided gratis to my downline, but will also be available for $30 to any other SOC distributor.
Please download it and try it out. Your first 10 contacts may be added to the trial version, and if you like it, purchase the license, and open up the world of possibilities. Click on the "Daily 8 Tracker" tab at the top of this page to find it.
This product is not (yet) endorsed by Send Out Cards, nor is it meant to compete with the Contact Manager in Send Out Cards, nor the Daily 8 Planner sold by Send Out Cards, nor the index card system promoted by Jordan Adler. Instead this system fills a need not currently available by Send Out Cards, and not specifically addressed by Oprius or other broader scope tools. Please try it, provide feedback. Be a part of helping me develop this into a mainstream tool to be used by all SOC distributors.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
I've got a story
At the Super Saturday Event Sunday January 30 in Denver, “Big Al” gave us the exact words to say when talking to a new prospect. He tells us that people make up their mind about something within 15 seconds, that is why commercials work.. So he doesn’t know why people would like to drag it out for an hour (with videos and flipcharts, and Walk Throughs) when you could find out in 2 minutes if someone is interested. THEN if they are interested, treat the hour long session as the first training session.
Oh and who is Big AL? Well, his name is Tom Schreiter. He has been in Network marketing for 40 years. He says his first 22 months were dismal, then he decided to get down to business and learn how to do it. 90 days later he was supporting himself… And in the 40 years he has built a billion dollar team! Mighty impressive. He says there is a point in every network marketing business when you decide to step across that line from dabbling to serious. Are you ready to step over that line? Oh and by the way, those that are successful seemingly naturally, they have learned these things too, only they do them unconsciously, they have developed the skill over many years. That is another approach, but this was a real eye opener to us, and we are stepping across the line.
In Big Al’s 3 hour presentation he was only able to give us a fraction of what he normally teaches, and he wanted to give something of value.. So he tells us to say the exact words below. Some of the words are Magic words and should not be changed (underlined) some of the words can be changed to fit the situation. Don’t worry about if you don’t understand why, just do it, it works, and you won’t feel like you are pushy, and you won’t offend your friends, AND you will quit wasting so much time.
We are never taught “Commercial talking skills” we are only taught social talking skills in school and by our parents and peers. You can do a complete presentation in only 2 minutes or less. No need for any of our other tools if you do this.
(You never have to drive in the rush hour traffic again?)
(You never have to leave your children in daycare again?)
(You had customer knocking on your door instead of you looking for them?)
Example: $4000/month
You learned how to sign a lease
You learned how to order inventory)
So what is going to be easier for you, to continue to drop your child off at daycare for someone else to raise, or to learn a system that will get you home where you could take care of your kids yourself?
Wait for an answer :
If they don’t have one immediately, Say :
Answer each question briefly.
Ie: How much does it cost?
So how many hours do I need to work at it?
When they run out of questions, then you say:
Respect what they have to say, if they say “Talk to their Spouse” then say
If they say, “Show me how it works”
THEN, Let them send a card and/or watch the video.
Oh and who is Big AL? Well, his name is Tom Schreiter. He has been in Network marketing for 40 years. He says his first 22 months were dismal, then he decided to get down to business and learn how to do it. 90 days later he was supporting himself… And in the 40 years he has built a billion dollar team! Mighty impressive. He says there is a point in every network marketing business when you decide to step across that line from dabbling to serious. Are you ready to step over that line? Oh and by the way, those that are successful seemingly naturally, they have learned these things too, only they do them unconsciously, they have developed the skill over many years. That is another approach, but this was a real eye opener to us, and we are stepping across the line.
In Big Al’s 3 hour presentation he was only able to give us a fraction of what he normally teaches, and he wanted to give something of value.. So he tells us to say the exact words below. Some of the words are Magic words and should not be changed (underlined) some of the words can be changed to fit the situation. Don’t worry about if you don’t understand why, just do it, it works, and you won’t feel like you are pushy, and you won’t offend your friends, AND you will quit wasting so much time.
We are never taught “Commercial talking skills” we are only taught social talking skills in school and by our parents and peers. You can do a complete presentation in only 2 minutes or less. No need for any of our other tools if you do this.
I’ve got a good story. Takes about 2 minutes. Might make you a lot of money, might not. Want to hear it?
Would it be okay if you never have to do to work again?
(You never had to go to the store again to buy a birthday card?)(You never have to drive in the rush hour traffic again?)
(You never have to leave your children in daycare again?)
(You had customer knocking on your door instead of you looking for them?)
How much money would you need to cover your take home pay so you
don’t have to go to work again? (try to get the minimum or smallest #)Example: $4000/month
Well, you know how people like sending birthday and holiday cards. You see whole rows of cards in Walmart, and whole stores dedicated to Greeting Cards?
Well there is company called Send Out Cards that lets you send personalized cards and gifts from your computer, and even put photos on them for one fourth the price you pay at the store.
Now, if you never wanted to go to work again, all you have to do is …
… get 5 people each month to change how they buy cards and make fun personalized cards and spend ½ the money they would at Walmart.
… get 5 businesses to keep advertising dollars in their pocket each month and send out card of appreciation to their customers.
Now you don’t know how to get 5 people to change how they send cards each month, (5 businesses spending less on advertising) but you could learn.
You learned how to drive a car, you learned how to ride a bike, you learned how to be a parent.
(You learned how to play a sportYou learned how to sign a lease
You learned how to order inventory)
And you certainly could learn a system …
… to get 5 people a month to save money and send cards in their Jammies from their living room.
… to get 15 business to save their advertising dollars every month and use SOC to grow by referrals.
So what is going to be easier for you, to continue (insert example of life as it is), or learn a system to get 5 people (15 businesses) signed up each month?
Example :So what is going to be easier for you, to continue to drop your child off at daycare for someone else to raise, or to learn a system that will get you home where you could take care of your kids yourself?
Wait for an answer :
If they don’t have one immediately, Say :
So what would you like to know next?
Answer each question briefly.
Ie: How much does it cost?
$457 - so, what would you like to know next?
So how many hours do I need to work at it?
1 hour per day - so, what would you like to know next?
So, what would you like to do next?
Respect what they have to say, if they say “Talk to their Spouse” then say
OK, can I give you a call tomorrow at 3pm to follow up?
If they say, “Show me how it works”
THEN, Let them send a card and/or watch the video.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Doing a Demonstration Remotely
Many of you did your Gift Account Walk through with me on my Web-meeting before you wisely joined Send Out Cards! I try to always mention that the Web meeting I use is a free tool available to anyone, and not something endorsed by Send Out Cards.
Send Out Cards promotes that you be either physically present with your prospect or you the phone individually with them when you show them our system. I do both. However when I am on the phone, I find it is sometimes confusing to know what the prospect is doing. And when they are confused, I might be on a different page or something and the meeting really starts to breakdown. When I am saying "Just, click the continue button on the lower right", and they are saying "There is no continue button on the lower right." Then I can't be sure. Why can't they see the button on the lower right? Are they on the wrong page? Is it there but they are just missing it? What is going on?
For that reason I find it much easier to use a web Meeting, and as my downline I would certainly support you doing the same if you like to. Many people find the extra piece of technology intimidating.... And for those of you (you know who you are) this is by no means a required process.. It is just one that I like to use and I find it helpful to me (Similarly to the Daily 8 tracker database I have shared on this blog.)
One of my distributors asked for some instructions so she could put it into practice, so I'm providing that here (as well as posting an instruction sheet on the resources page) :
1) This free web meeting is available through acrobat, so first step is go to https://acrobat.com/welcome.html and sign up for an account by clicking on "Create Free Account" on the upper Right (here we go, wish I had a web meeting to tell you how to get to the web meeting ;-). Put in your email address, name, etc. Click on "sign up".
2) Agree to the terms of use.
3) On the menu at the top (left) click on Meetings.
4) You, as the host, will need to start the meeting. Click on "go to my meeting room."
5) This takes you into the meeting room and brings up a box (Welcome to your connectnow meeting room) with your meeting room URL (meaning the address for your browser) in it. Copy this URL, save it to a bookmark. In the future you can go directly to your meeting room by going to this URL. This is also the URL you give to others to join the meeting... This is the location of your meeting room, everyone goes there.
Note: if this URL is ugly, you can customize the URL. Also Note: This URL is long, and difficult to direct someone to over the phone. If I plan to use my meeting I ALWAYS send an email with the URL in it, so the prospect can just click and enter the meeting.
6) Open a new browser and click on your bookmark to your meeting URL.
7) You should come to a login page. You as the host do not log in as a guest, rather Enter with your Adobe ID (the username and password we just set up). This is the same screen your guests will come to, however they enter as Guests... tricky huh. They may type only their first name as there will only be you and the guest on the meeting, and so a first name is plenty to identify your guest. Click "enter the meeting".
8) This opens up a new application that is your meeting space. You may close the welcome box. As your guests arrive you will see them pop into your meeting. If your meeting is not set to automatically accept guests, you will get a pop up telling you they are requesting to enter the meeting. Please accept them graciously.
9) Now they are seeing the same screen you are with "Share my computer screen" button in the middle. They are on the phone with you now, so you are guiding them. If you just want to show them something, by all means share your computer screen. That is the quickest way to do it, but I want them to drive the mouse and send the card, so I'd rather they share their computer screen. Therefore, instruct them to click that button. Your screen will say ie. "Barbara is about to share".
10) If they are here for the first time in a while (usually the case) a box will pop up telling them that they need to install a plugin. Instruct them to say "yes" to that. I have used this 100's of times and had no issue. It only takes a second. If they are uncomfortable with that, you can go back to sharing your computer screen.. but the experience is not as impactful.
11) When the plugin is done, their icon on your screen will blink off the meeting and back on, and again it will say "Barbara is about to share." At this time another box pops up for them labeled "Start Screen Sharing" and asking them what to share. They should choose the radio button for "Desktop" and click on "share". Your screen will turn black.
12) On their screen a pop up will come up labeled "Introduction to Screen Sharing" and says "You are about to share your computer screen...." Instruct them to click on the "ok" button. You will see their mouse move when they do that, and then you will see their screen.
13) One more thing to instruct them. They have a box up, where they can control the meeting, labeled "ConnectNow Screen Sharing". You cannot see that box, and often it is in the way. (Like maybe that is why they can't see the button on the right and you can) Tell them to minimize that box by clicking on the line in the upper right corner of the box.
Now you are ready to do your walk through just as if you were sitting with them. If there is other confusion you can request to take control of their mouse. If you do so, they have to accept. Then you BOTH have control of the mouse. I don't need that privilege often, and actually the alignment is a little off, so it makes it difficult to click on a button etc..
When you are done with the meeting, just close all the windows.. That's it, easy peasy!
ALSO NOTE : Run through this a few times with a buddy (or me if you do not have anyone else) before you get into a walk through where you are already nervous about other things, and if this does not go as planned and you or your guest are getting frustrated, abandon the meeting and continue on blind.. It is harder but it is the way thousands of people do their walk throughs. I'd love to get feedback from this too, are you using it? Does it help? Post a comment.
Send Out Cards promotes that you be either physically present with your prospect or you the phone individually with them when you show them our system. I do both. However when I am on the phone, I find it is sometimes confusing to know what the prospect is doing. And when they are confused, I might be on a different page or something and the meeting really starts to breakdown. When I am saying "Just, click the continue button on the lower right", and they are saying "There is no continue button on the lower right." Then I can't be sure. Why can't they see the button on the lower right? Are they on the wrong page? Is it there but they are just missing it? What is going on?
For that reason I find it much easier to use a web Meeting, and as my downline I would certainly support you doing the same if you like to. Many people find the extra piece of technology intimidating.... And for those of you (you know who you are) this is by no means a required process.. It is just one that I like to use and I find it helpful to me (Similarly to the Daily 8 tracker database I have shared on this blog.)
One of my distributors asked for some instructions so she could put it into practice, so I'm providing that here (as well as posting an instruction sheet on the resources page) :
1) This free web meeting is available through acrobat, so first step is go to https://acrobat.com/welcome.html and sign up for an account by clicking on "Create Free Account" on the upper Right (here we go, wish I had a web meeting to tell you how to get to the web meeting ;-). Put in your email address, name, etc. Click on "sign up".
2) Agree to the terms of use.
3) On the menu at the top (left) click on Meetings.
4) You, as the host, will need to start the meeting. Click on "go to my meeting room."
5) This takes you into the meeting room and brings up a box (Welcome to your connectnow meeting room) with your meeting room URL (meaning the address for your browser) in it. Copy this URL, save it to a bookmark. In the future you can go directly to your meeting room by going to this URL. This is also the URL you give to others to join the meeting... This is the location of your meeting room, everyone goes there.
Note: if this URL is ugly, you can customize the URL. Also Note: This URL is long, and difficult to direct someone to over the phone. If I plan to use my meeting I ALWAYS send an email with the URL in it, so the prospect can just click and enter the meeting.
Now that the account is set up, you can ignore steps one through 5 in the future. So, since you have made a bookmark (right?) let's close this meeting and the tab on your browser and start from scratch. (Note: Before you close the meeting go up to the menu at the top of the meeting, and select meeting and "sign off".***
6) Open a new browser and click on your bookmark to your meeting URL.
7) You should come to a login page. You as the host do not log in as a guest, rather Enter with your Adobe ID (the username and password we just set up). This is the same screen your guests will come to, however they enter as Guests... tricky huh. They may type only their first name as there will only be you and the guest on the meeting, and so a first name is plenty to identify your guest. Click "enter the meeting".
8) This opens up a new application that is your meeting space. You may close the welcome box. As your guests arrive you will see them pop into your meeting. If your meeting is not set to automatically accept guests, you will get a pop up telling you they are requesting to enter the meeting. Please accept them graciously.
9) Now they are seeing the same screen you are with "Share my computer screen" button in the middle. They are on the phone with you now, so you are guiding them. If you just want to show them something, by all means share your computer screen. That is the quickest way to do it, but I want them to drive the mouse and send the card, so I'd rather they share their computer screen. Therefore, instruct them to click that button. Your screen will say ie. "Barbara is about to share".
10) If they are here for the first time in a while (usually the case) a box will pop up telling them that they need to install a plugin. Instruct them to say "yes" to that. I have used this 100's of times and had no issue. It only takes a second. If they are uncomfortable with that, you can go back to sharing your computer screen.. but the experience is not as impactful.
11) When the plugin is done, their icon on your screen will blink off the meeting and back on, and again it will say "Barbara is about to share." At this time another box pops up for them labeled "Start Screen Sharing" and asking them what to share. They should choose the radio button for "Desktop" and click on "share". Your screen will turn black.
12) On their screen a pop up will come up labeled "Introduction to Screen Sharing" and says "You are about to share your computer screen...." Instruct them to click on the "ok" button. You will see their mouse move when they do that, and then you will see their screen.
13) One more thing to instruct them. They have a box up, where they can control the meeting, labeled "ConnectNow Screen Sharing". You cannot see that box, and often it is in the way. (Like maybe that is why they can't see the button on the right and you can) Tell them to minimize that box by clicking on the line in the upper right corner of the box.
Now you are ready to do your walk through just as if you were sitting with them. If there is other confusion you can request to take control of their mouse. If you do so, they have to accept. Then you BOTH have control of the mouse. I don't need that privilege often, and actually the alignment is a little off, so it makes it difficult to click on a button etc..
When you are done with the meeting, just close all the windows.. That's it, easy peasy!
ALSO NOTE : Run through this a few times with a buddy (or me if you do not have anyone else) before you get into a walk through where you are already nervous about other things, and if this does not go as planned and you or your guest are getting frustrated, abandon the meeting and continue on blind.. It is harder but it is the way thousands of people do their walk throughs. I'd love to get feedback from this too, are you using it? Does it help? Post a comment.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Chicken Soup for your Success

Here is a few notes... ok maybe a pretty thorough synopsis, I compiled from the call, and if that inspires you I have posted the recording from the call to the resources page.
In network marketing you have to become self motivated and manage yourself. And you need to have accountability partners to help you stick to your plan. Each day you should write down the 5 most important things to do today. What are 5 action steps to take everyday to get you to your breakthrough goal? (Rule of 5). Write them down every night, put down the most important one (not the easiest one) first and check off everyday. Share them with your accountability partner. The following day, check in with your partner and say yes or no to the question of if you completed the item, but make no excuses. A simple yes or no will do.
Are you a goal Setter? Everyone knows what goals are. Most people make them. OK, so you do set goals, but ARE YOU DOING THEM? Identify your goals vs. your breakthrough goals: Breakthrough goals are the goals that if they got completed would propel you forward to a new and better place on your journey of life. Put some thought into what your breakthrough goal is. Write it down. Make sure you put a date on it. Post this goal in many places in your house and car where you will see it regularly. Write yourself a check for the amount of money you would like to make this year. Make copies of that check and scatter them around where you will see them. Make a goal for your business, make a goal for your family, and make a goal for you health and fitness. That will keep your life in balance to have all three. The strategies taught in the book do work, and if you practice them on only your business goals, you are in danger of a life out of balance.
Your sub-conscious will solve any problem if you know how to ask. Like an internal GPS. You do not have to know how to solve your goal. Don't make a goal that you know how to solve, that will show you nothing. Make a bigger goal than you know how to do, even than you believe is possible. You will have to make a commitment on faith. Ask yourself, "What do I really, really want?" You can have it.
Write an idea scene. 250 words describe your condition once you have reached your breakthrough goal.. This will include your why. Be specific. Read this every day. Close your eyes and visualize it, feel it, experience it. This is how you program your GPS... Must do this for 30 days... If you skip one day you must start all over again.
After 30 days, your sub-conscious will start to give you inspiration. Act on your inspiration the moment you know them. Your brain will tell you as it figures things out. If you wait, you will risk talking yourself out it. you have to ACT NOW. There is a timing window that will close if you do not act.
Fuel the feeling. Emotions are the fuel to make the actions happen. After about 30 days things will start happening to help you get to your goal.
Lastly, you have to take action. Inspired as mentioned above, and also you must take obvious actions, the actions that you know will support your goals. What stops us from obvious actions is fear. Fear is all created by you. There is nothing to lose if you act, except your fantasy of what might have been. You have to ASK for the things you want. Ask ask ask ask ask.. Jack Canfield was published only after 144 publishers said no.
If you have trouble conquering your fears, try coming from a position of service. Think of your goal, and how it will help you. Think about the feelings generated. Now think of the same goal and how it will serve others. If it doesn't serve others, perhaps it isn't the thing to do. It should give you the strength to work through your fears.
But don't take my word for listen to the whole interview. Right click here and save it you your hard drive and listen to it yourself. Take your own inspiration and let it take you to that next level.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Pyramid Schemes vs Network Marketing
If you EVER get the question, "Is Send Out Cards a Pyramid Scheme" here is what you need to know! on January 3rd Jordan Adler had a guest speaker on his call.
He was Dr Ray Jewell. He has a Doctorate in economics and is the founder and senior economist of Highview Management, Ltd. Creator of Financial Freedom Radio.info, a weekly podcast heard all over the world. Dr Ray is the developer of the Personal Economic Coach process and has been coaching clients in Business and Wealth Creation for 30 years. He is a Senior Manager with SendOutCards and has tried other Network Marketing companies with little success until SOC. He is proud to call SOC his home and is actively building a downline.
Specifically in the call he talks about the history of network marketing and about how in economic troubling times, Network Marketing has boomed. He explains the negativity toward Network marketing and the confusion with Pyramid Schemes.
These are the 4 legal tips you need to know to explain the differences between Network Marketing and Pyramids.
1. Is there a product or service that's 'in demand'. In other words the product must be something that people would buy whether it was sold through network marketing or other marketing means
2. Do you get paid for 'Recruiting' - It's illegal to get paid for the act of recruiting distributors. There is no commission paid on our $59 distributor upgrade. The commission is paid on the sale of the $398 wholesale package, which is a product. It's okay to get paid on the sale of a product but NOT on the recruitment of a distributor
3. Can you make more money than the person/people that brought you in? By the nature of our compensation plan, you can 'pass' your upline/sponsor in income . . . if you are not able to make more money than the person that brought you in, it's considered a 'pyramid'. I make more money than my sponsor and many of you make more money than your sponsors.
4. Are you encouraged to buy product to get promoted or qualify for a higher level of income? This is called 'Front End Loading' and it's illegal. If you are encouraged by your upline to buy product to qualify for a promotion or a higher bonus level without the intention or ability to sell the product, this is considered 'Front End Loading' and it's illegal.
This call was really a must hear call and is available on Jordan site in two 15 minute parts at http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventID=16820841.
He was Dr Ray Jewell. He has a Doctorate in economics and is the founder and senior economist of Highview Management, Ltd. Creator of Financial Freedom Radio.info, a weekly podcast heard all over the world. Dr Ray is the developer of the Personal Economic Coach process and has been coaching clients in Business and Wealth Creation for 30 years. He is a Senior Manager with SendOutCards and has tried other Network Marketing companies with little success until SOC. He is proud to call SOC his home and is actively building a downline.
Specifically in the call he talks about the history of network marketing and about how in economic troubling times, Network Marketing has boomed. He explains the negativity toward Network marketing and the confusion with Pyramid Schemes.
These are the 4 legal tips you need to know to explain the differences between Network Marketing and Pyramids.
1. Is there a product or service that's 'in demand'. In other words the product must be something that people would buy whether it was sold through network marketing or other marketing means
2. Do you get paid for 'Recruiting' - It's illegal to get paid for the act of recruiting distributors. There is no commission paid on our $59 distributor upgrade. The commission is paid on the sale of the $398 wholesale package, which is a product. It's okay to get paid on the sale of a product but NOT on the recruitment of a distributor
3. Can you make more money than the person/people that brought you in? By the nature of our compensation plan, you can 'pass' your upline/sponsor in income . . . if you are not able to make more money than the person that brought you in, it's considered a 'pyramid'. I make more money than my sponsor and many of you make more money than your sponsors.
4. Are you encouraged to buy product to get promoted or qualify for a higher level of income? This is called 'Front End Loading' and it's illegal. If you are encouraged by your upline to buy product to qualify for a promotion or a higher bonus level without the intention or ability to sell the product, this is considered 'Front End Loading' and it's illegal.
This call was really a must hear call and is available on Jordan site in two 15 minute parts at http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventID=16820841.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
We made the NEWS
Look what was printed about Send Out Cards in the Salt Lake Tribune.
(Scott Sommerdorf:The Salt Lake Tribune) Send Out Cards Building manager Alex Grazier moves a flat of paper from one of the company's trucks. Send Out Cards, based in West Valley City, is one of Utah's fastest-growing companies. Customers can order cards for all occasions via the Internet, that then are designed especially for them (photos/personal messages, etc.) and printed and mailed. They also can choose gifts to go with the cards, all done through the Internet. It will even print in a person's own handwriting, Thursday 12/16/2010.
WVC companies hit fastest-growing list
WVC companies hit fastest-growing list
By John Keahey
The Salt Lake Tribune
Published Dec 27, 2010 12:42PM
Updated Dec 22, 2010 03:43PM
Despite a rough economy falling off the shoulders of the Great Recession, a West Valley City-based greeting-card company is projecting a 20 percent growth in a marketplace in the midst of shifting from retail stores to the Internet.
“We have zero complaints right now,” said Joe Kenemore, chief marketing officer for Send Out Cards, 1825 W. Research Way (2770 South).
The numbers show why. On Dec. 14, just 11 days before Christmas, Kenemore said the company’s website registered 40,000 unique visitors. Out of that one-day tally came orders for 331,000 cards and 15,000 gifts tied to those cards.
These are paper cards, sent through the snail mail of the U.S. Postal Service.
“We don’t do e-cards” — those sent via the Internet through digital pathways. “The post office loves us,” said Kenemore.
The 5-year-old firm, with $50 million in gross revenue a year ago and projected to hit $60 million this year, has been recognized as one of Utah’s 100 fastest-growth companies. It is 11th on the list compiled by Mountain West Capital Network, which describes itself as a “business networking organization devoted to supporting entrepreneurial success.”
Five of the top 100 businesses are based in West Valley City. In addition to Send Out Cards at No. 11, they are Green River Capital (No. 3), Signature Products Group (No. 6), Backcountry.com (No. 47) and Winder Farms (No. 94).
Green River’s growth can be attributed in part to the Great Recession.
“Our company sells real estate for banks that have taken back properties in foreclosure,” said Brent Taggart, vice president of client relations and business development.
With the dramatic jump in foreclosures statewide and nationally, Green River in 2010 expanded its workforce to 210 people from around 85 a year ago. The number of assets it manages has increased 35 percent this year over last, Taggart said.
With the economy on an upswing, he foresees the day when foreclosures will start to fall off.
“None of us want to be out of jobs in three years,” Taggart said. “We’re considering several options, including the possibility of going into regular real estate.”
But Send Out Cards, with 104 permanent employees and 25 seasonal workers, only sees demand for its services growing as the Internet continues to escalate into everyday life.
It works this way:
A customer sets up an account at www.sendoutcards.com, picks a card, uploads a photo or photos to customize it, types a message and provides a mailing list. The customer also can choose from among dozens of gifts that can be mailed with each card or specific cards.
If customers want their own handwriting to be used, the company sends a form via the post office to collect a writing sample and signature line. That is returned and scanned, and the company will print the card with the message in the customer’s handwriting. Different messages for different recipients can be created in that way.
The company prints out the cards — hundreds of thousands each day — puts them in envelopes and stamps them for delivery by the Postal Service. Or the cards can be sent to the customer to do his or her own handwriting and mailing. Depending on volume, Kenemore said, cost isn’t any more than walking into a retail store and buying a box of pre-printed cards. And none are left over to gather dust on the customer’s shelf.
“We only print what people order; we have a lot of friends out there in the ‘green’ world.”
Send Out Cards is following a growing national trend of ordering customized cards online.
“The industry as a whole is enjoying a 30 percent growth rate,” said Marty Reed, a spokesman for Berkeley, Calif.-based Cardstore.com. He said the average cost nationally for a card ordered and customized over the Internet is $2.79 for standard 5-by-7-inch folded card.
“That’s equivalent to that Hallmark card you can get at the drugstore,” he said. “But ours are unique to you.”
Reed is well-aware of Send Out Cards’ success.
“They’ve done very well,” he said. “It’s reflective of their model and the industry as a whole.”
Reed said e-cards just don’t convey what a lot of people want to convey.
“People are looking for more tangible reminders of events and ways to celebrate. There’s something about having a nice printed greeting card.”
(Scott Sommerdorf:The Salt Lake Tribune) Send Out Cards Building manager Alex Grazier moves a flat of paper from one of the company's trucks. Send Out Cards, based in West Valley City, is one of Utah's fastest-growing companies. Customers can order cards for all occasions via the Internet, that then are designed especially for them (photos/personal messages, etc.) and printed and mailed. They also can choose gifts to go with the cards, all done through the Internet. It will even print in a person's own handwriting, Thursday 12/16/2010.
WVC companies hit fastest-growing list
WVC companies hit fastest-growing list
By John Keahey
The Salt Lake Tribune
Published Dec 27, 2010 12:42PM
Updated Dec 22, 2010 03:43PM
Despite a rough economy falling off the shoulders of the Great Recession, a West Valley City-based greeting-card company is projecting a 20 percent growth in a marketplace in the midst of shifting from retail stores to the Internet.
“We have zero complaints right now,” said Joe Kenemore, chief marketing officer for Send Out Cards, 1825 W. Research Way (2770 South).
The numbers show why. On Dec. 14, just 11 days before Christmas, Kenemore said the company’s website registered 40,000 unique visitors. Out of that one-day tally came orders for 331,000 cards and 15,000 gifts tied to those cards.
These are paper cards, sent through the snail mail of the U.S. Postal Service.
“We don’t do e-cards” — those sent via the Internet through digital pathways. “The post office loves us,” said Kenemore.
The 5-year-old firm, with $50 million in gross revenue a year ago and projected to hit $60 million this year, has been recognized as one of Utah’s 100 fastest-growth companies. It is 11th on the list compiled by Mountain West Capital Network, which describes itself as a “business networking organization devoted to supporting entrepreneurial success.”
Five of the top 100 businesses are based in West Valley City. In addition to Send Out Cards at No. 11, they are Green River Capital (No. 3), Signature Products Group (No. 6), Backcountry.com (No. 47) and Winder Farms (No. 94).
Green River’s growth can be attributed in part to the Great Recession.
“Our company sells real estate for banks that have taken back properties in foreclosure,” said Brent Taggart, vice president of client relations and business development.
With the dramatic jump in foreclosures statewide and nationally, Green River in 2010 expanded its workforce to 210 people from around 85 a year ago. The number of assets it manages has increased 35 percent this year over last, Taggart said.
With the economy on an upswing, he foresees the day when foreclosures will start to fall off.
“None of us want to be out of jobs in three years,” Taggart said. “We’re considering several options, including the possibility of going into regular real estate.”
But Send Out Cards, with 104 permanent employees and 25 seasonal workers, only sees demand for its services growing as the Internet continues to escalate into everyday life.
It works this way:
A customer sets up an account at www.sendoutcards.com, picks a card, uploads a photo or photos to customize it, types a message and provides a mailing list. The customer also can choose from among dozens of gifts that can be mailed with each card or specific cards.
If customers want their own handwriting to be used, the company sends a form via the post office to collect a writing sample and signature line. That is returned and scanned, and the company will print the card with the message in the customer’s handwriting. Different messages for different recipients can be created in that way.
The company prints out the cards — hundreds of thousands each day — puts them in envelopes and stamps them for delivery by the Postal Service. Or the cards can be sent to the customer to do his or her own handwriting and mailing. Depending on volume, Kenemore said, cost isn’t any more than walking into a retail store and buying a box of pre-printed cards. And none are left over to gather dust on the customer’s shelf.
“We only print what people order; we have a lot of friends out there in the ‘green’ world.”
Send Out Cards is following a growing national trend of ordering customized cards online.
“The industry as a whole is enjoying a 30 percent growth rate,” said Marty Reed, a spokesman for Berkeley, Calif.-based Cardstore.com. He said the average cost nationally for a card ordered and customized over the Internet is $2.79 for standard 5-by-7-inch folded card.
“That’s equivalent to that Hallmark card you can get at the drugstore,” he said. “But ours are unique to you.”
Reed is well-aware of Send Out Cards’ success.
“They’ve done very well,” he said. “It’s reflective of their model and the industry as a whole.”
Reed said e-cards just don’t convey what a lot of people want to convey.
“People are looking for more tangible reminders of events and ways to celebrate. There’s something about having a nice printed greeting card.”
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