Sunday, January 23, 2011

Chicken Soup for your Success

A couple of weeks ago I was invited by a friend in another Network Marketing company to listen to a call interviewing Jack Canfield, the author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.  The man is a very dynamic, great speaker.  The recording was finally posted a few days ago, and yesterday Mike and I listened to it a second time.  It was so good that I rushed out to the library and pick up the book they were discussing, "Success Principles".

Here is a few notes... ok maybe a pretty thorough synopsis, I compiled from the call, and if that inspires you I have posted the recording from the call to the resources page.
In network marketing you have to become self motivated and manage yourself.  And you need to have accountability partners to help you stick to your plan.  Each day you should write down the 5 most important things to do today.  What are 5 action steps to take everyday to get you to your breakthrough goal? (Rule of 5).  Write them down every night, put down the most important one (not the easiest one) first and check off everyday.  Share them with your accountability partner.  The following day, check in with your partner and say yes or no to the question of if you completed the item, but make no excuses.  A simple yes or no will do.

Are you a goal Setter?  Everyone knows what goals are.  Most people make them.  OK, so you do set goals, but ARE YOU DOING THEM?  Identify your goals vs. your breakthrough goals:  Breakthrough goals are the goals that if they got completed would propel you forward to a new and better place on your journey of life.  Put some thought into what your breakthrough goal is.  Write it down.  Make sure you put a date on it.  Post this goal in many places in your house and car where you will see it regularly.  Write yourself a check for the amount of money you would like to make this year.  Make copies of that check and scatter them around where you will see them.   Make a goal for your business, make a goal for your family, and make a goal for you health and fitness.  That will keep your life in balance to have all three.  The strategies taught in the book do work, and if you practice them on only your business goals, you are in danger of a life out of balance.

Your sub-conscious will solve any problem if you know how to ask.  Like an internal GPS.  You do not have to know how to solve your goal.  Don't make a goal that you know how to solve, that will show you nothing.  Make a bigger goal than you know how to do, even than you believe is possible.  You will have to make a commitment on faith.  Ask yourself, "What do I really, really want?"  You can have it.

Write an idea scene.  250 words describe your condition once you have reached your breakthrough goal.. This will include your why.  Be specific.  Read this every day.  Close your eyes and visualize it, feel it, experience it.  This is how you program your GPS... Must do this for 30 days... If you skip one day you must start all over again.

After 30 days, your sub-conscious will start to give you inspiration.  Act on your inspiration the moment you know them.  Your brain will tell you as it figures things out.  If you wait, you will risk talking yourself out it.  you have to ACT NOW.  There is a timing window that will close if you do not act.

Fuel the feeling.  Emotions are the fuel to make the actions happen.  After about 30 days things will start happening to help you get to your goal.

Lastly, you have to take action.  Inspired as mentioned above, and also you must take obvious actions, the actions that you know will support your goals.  What stops us from obvious actions is fear.  Fear is all created by you.  There is nothing to lose if you act, except your fantasy of what might have been.  You have to ASK for the things you want. Ask ask ask ask ask.. Jack Canfield was published only after 144 publishers said no.

If you have trouble conquering your fears, try coming from a position of service.  Think of your goal, and how it will help you.  Think about the feelings generated.  Now think of the same goal and how it will serve others.  If it doesn't serve others, perhaps it isn't the thing to do.  It should give you the strength to work through your fears.

But don't take my word for listen to the whole interview.  Right click here and save it you your hard drive and listen to it yourself.  Take your own inspiration and let it take you to that next level.

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